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Snapshot Testing with Custom Serializers

Nov 27th 2023 14 min read

Jest snapshot testing is a developer's trusty sidekick, but did you know we can supercharge it with custom serializers? These silent heroes shape how our snapshots are presented, turning them from mere data dumps into insightful narratives. In this post, we'll explore the magic of custom serializers in Jest, giving us the key to precision and customization in our snapshot testing. Let's dive in!

Understanding Snapshot Serializers

Snapshot serializers serve as the underlying mechanisms that format and depict the output of our snapshot tests. They hold a pivotal role in ensuring the readability and depth of insight in our snapshots.

In the realm of Jest testing, custom serializers emerge as the linchpin for tailoring the visual representation of our snapshots. Offering flexibility, they empower us to present data in a manner most aligned with our specific requirements. Grasping the intricacies of leveraging this capability introduces opportunities for achieving clearer and more informative test outcomes.

Let's consider an example where default serialization may fall short:

test('Default Serialization Example', () => {
    const complexObject = {
        date: new Date(),
        nested: {
            key: 'value',
            items: [1, 2, 3],

In our example, default serialization captures the structure of our complex object but falls short in providing a human-readable or meaningful representation, especially for elements like the Date instance or nested data. Before we explore the limitations and delve into custom serializers as our solution, let's first examine some use cases.

Use Cases for Custom Serialization

In cases involving intricate data structures or unique objects, the default serialization in Jest may fall short. A standardized approach struggles to accommodate the nuances of diverse data formats.

Custom serializers emerge as the solution tailored to the complexities of real-world data. Let's illustrate with a few examples:

// Custom Serialization Example 1: Elaborate Arrays
test("Custom Serialization for Elaborate Arrays", () => {
    const elaborateArray = [new Date(), { key: "value" }, [1, 2, 3]];
// Custom Serialization Example 2: Nested Objects
test("Custom Serialization for Nested Objects", () => {
    const nestedObject = {
        date: new Date(),
        details: {
            info: "important",
            numbers: [4, 5, 6],
// Custom Serialization Example 3: Specialized Instances
test("Custom Serialization for Specialized Instances", () => {
    class SpecialObject {
        constructor(name) {
            this.name = name;
    const specializedInstance = new SpecialObject("Custom");

Whether navigating elaborate arrays, nested objects, or handling specialized instances, custom serialization offers a nuanced and personalized approach to elevate the efficacy of our testing suite. In the subsequent section, we'll delve into the craftsmanship of creating these tailored solutions. Ready to enhance the sophistication of our testing practices? Let's explore the imperative for custom serializers together!

Creating Custom Serializers

Now, let's roll up our sleeves and go through the process of crafting tailored solutions with custom serializers.

1. Identify Requirements

Before diving into the creation of custom serializers, it's crucial to analyze our test scenarios. Identify the specific data structures or objects that demand a more tailored approach to serialization. Consider instances where default serialization falls short in capturing the nuances of our data.

2. Define Serialization Logic

Once we've pinpointed the data structures or objects requiring custom serialization, the next step is to define the serialization logic. This involves articulating how we want these structures to be represented in our snapshots. Consider the intricacies of our data and determine the format that best conveys the essential information while maintaining readability.

3. Implement the Serializer

With a clear understanding of our requirements and a well-defined serialization logic, it's time to implement the custom serializer. In this step, we write the code that translates our defined logic into an actionable solution. Create a function or module that takes our data as input and outputs a serialized representation. This function will be integrated into our Jest testing suite to handle the specified data structures during snapshot testing.

Here's a simplified example of creating a custom serializer for handling Date instances:

// Custom Serializer for Dates
const customDateSerializer = (value) => {
    if (value instanceof Date) {
        return `Date: ${value.toISOString()}`;
    } else {
        return value;
// Integration with Jest

In this example, the custom serializer checks if the value is a Date instance and formats it accordingly. The expect.addSnapshotSerializer method integrates this custom serializer into our Jest configuration, ensuring it is applied during snapshot testing.

By following these steps, we tailor the serialization process to meet the specific needs of our data structures, resulting in more meaningful and maintainable snapshot tests.

4. Integrate with Jest Configuration

After creating our custom serializer, we need to inform Jest about its existence and specify its location. This ensures that Jest recognizes and applies our custom serializer during snapshot testing.

// jest.config.js file
module.exports = {
    snapshotSerializers: ['<rootDir>/path-to-our-custom-serializer.js'],

In this example, we have a Jest configuration file (jest.config.js). The snapshotSerializers key is an array where we provide the path to our custom serializer file.

<rootDir> is a Jest token that represents the root directory of our project. We only need to replace the path-to-our-custom-serializer.js with the actual path to the file containing our custom serializer logic.

By adding this configuration, we're telling Jest to include and apply our custom serializer to the snapshot tests. Jest will utilize this serializer whenever it encounters the specified data structures or objects in our tests.

This integration step ensures that our custom serialization logic becomes an integral part of Jest's snapshot testing process, providing a seamless and unified testing experience.

5. Examples of Custom Serializers

Now, let's see these steps in action with practical examples.

Nested Objects:

test("Custom Serialization for Nested Objects", () => {
    const nestedObject = {
        date: new Date(),
        details: {
            info: "important",
            numbers: [4, 5, 6],

In this example, the nestedObject contains a Date instance and a nested structure with additional information. Without a custom serializer, the default snapshot might become complex and challenging to interpret.

However, by employing a custom serializer tailored for this scenario, we can present the data in a more human-readable and concise manner. This not only enhances the clarity of our snapshot but also contributes to more effective debugging and test maintenance. The flexibility of custom serializers shines when handling intricate data structures, making our Jest snapshots both insightful and easily comprehensible.

Specialized Data Structures:

test("Custom Serialization for Specialized Data Structures", () => {
    const specializedDataStructure = [new Date(), { key: "value" }, [1, 2, 3]];

In this example, specializedDataStructure represents an array containing a Date instance, an object, and another array. When dealing with such diverse and specialized data structures, default serialization might not capture the nuances effectively.

By implementing a custom serializer tailored to handle these specific structures, we can present the information in a way that aligns with our testing requirements. This adaptability ensures that Jest snapshots remain informative and maintain their clarity, even when dealing with intricate and specialized data. Custom serialization proves invaluable in handling the diversity of data structures encountered in real-world testing scenarios.

Unique Object Instances:

test("Custom Serialization for Unique Object Instances", () => {
    class SpecialObject {
        constructor(name) {
            this.name = name;
    const specializedInstance = new SpecialObject("Custom");

In this example, a SpecialObject class is created with a unique instance named specializedInstance. Instances like these, with distinct properties or characteristics, may not be adequately represented in default snapshots.

By crafting a custom serializer specifically tailored for instances of SpecialObject, we can control how these unique objects are presented in our snapshots. This not only enhances the precision of our tests but also ensures that the uniqueness and details of such instances are preserved in a readable format. Custom serialization proves indispensable when dealing with objects that possess distinct characteristics or behaviors.

Advanced Serialization Techniques

Let's delve into advanced techniques for custom serialization, addressing challenges posed by complex nested structures and circular references.

Handling Complex Nested Structures

Custom serialization becomes particularly powerful when dealing with intricate nested structures. Consider scenarios where objects contain nested objects, arrays, or a combination of both. To address this complexity, we can implement custom serialization logic that precisely controls the representation of each level of nesting. Let's explore an example:

test("Custom Serialization for Complex Nested Structures", () => {
    const complexNestedObject = {
        details: {
            key: "value",
            nestedArray: [
                { id: 1, name: "Item 1" },
                { id: 2, name: "Item 2" },
        date: new Date(),

In this example, the complexNestedObject involves multiple levels of nesting, including an array of objects. Custom serialization allows us to control how each level of the structure is presented in the snapshot, ensuring both clarity and accuracy.

Managing Circular References

Circular references, where an object refers back to itself, can pose a challenge for serialization. Custom serialization provides a solution by allowing us to define how circular references should be handled. Here's an example:

test("Custom Serialization for Circular References", () => {
    const circularReferenceObject = { prop: "I am a circular reference" };
    circularReferenceObject.self = circularReferenceObject;

In this case, without custom serialization, handling the circular reference could result in an infinite loop or an error. Custom serialization enables us to gracefully handle such references, ensuring the snapshot reflects the intended structure without causing issues during testing.

Testing Components with Custom Serialization

Consider a React component that renders dynamic content. With default serialization, the snapshot may capture unnecessary details, making it challenging to discern the actual changes. Here's a component test with custom serialization:

import React from "react";
import renderer from "react-test-renderer";
import { MyDynamicComponent } from "./MyDynamicComponent";
// Custom Serializer for React Components
const componentSerializer = (value) => {
    if (React.isValidElement(value)) {
        return "Custom React Component";
    } else {
        return value;
// Integrate Custom Serializer with Jest Configuration
test("MyDynamicComponent renders correctly", () => {
    const tree = renderer
        .create(<MyDynamicComponent data="test data" />)

In this example, the custom serializer recognizes React components and simplifies the snapshot output to a more descriptive and concise representation. This approach enhances the readability of the snapshot, making it easier to understand the changes when reviewing test results.

Benefits of Custom Serialization in Component Testing:

By incorporating custom serialization into component tests, we not only improve the precision of our snapshots but also streamline the testing workflow.

Best Practices for Custom Serialization

Let's delve into effective practices for utilizing custom serializers in our Jest tests to enhance clarity, maintainability, and prevent unnecessary complexities within our test suite:

By following these best practices, we'll harness the benefits of custom serializers while avoiding common pitfalls. Custom serialization, when applied judiciously, enhances the effectiveness of our Jest tests without introducing unnecessary complexity.

Jest snapshot testing is a powerful tool for capturing and comparing component outputs, and custom serializers enable developers to finely tune the representation of snapshots to align with specific testing needs.

Custom serializers should be judiciously applied, primarily in situations where default serialization proves inadequate, to prevent overcomplication and preserve test readability.

Seamless integration of custom serializers with Jest tests is achieved by updating Jest configuration files, providing a straightforward way to control how data structures or objects are serialized during snapshot testing.

Advanced techniques for custom serialization address challenges posed by complex nested structures and circular references, offering precise control over the representation of intricate scenarios in Jest tests.

Best practices for effective use of custom serializers emphasize readability, modular serialization logic, and collaboration within the development team, ensuring a balance between customization and simplicity in testing suite.

For more information on Jest snapshot testing, please visit the official website. For the mentioned examples, please refer to our GitHub page. Thank you for reading!