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Welcome to The Green Report!

The Green Report is a blog site that covers quality assurance and automation testing topics. What topics exactly? The posts range from manual testing to more advanced automation concepts, so any related topics are welcome.

Each week new blog posts are being published related to: programing languages, reporting, frameworks, performance testing tools, monitoring tools, API testing, UI testing, Mobile testing and many more topics. Each of the posts is well documented in a step-by-step manner and required resources can be directly downloaded from the Resources page.

Are the covered topics hard to understand? The blog covers easy as well as more advanced topics. Each blog post uses tags to describe the difficulty and if the blog can't cover all topics required, prerequisites will be mentioned at the begining of the post. In case you are interested in the blog structure, you can visit the Guides page.

Who runs the blog?

Hi! I'm Irfan Mujagic, the founder of The Green Report blog. I have a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications) and I have been working as a QA Automation Engineer since 2019. Currently, I live in Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since I started working as a QA Automation Engineer, I was always impressed with the fact that I can write code that will tell a browser or an app to execute something instead of doing it myself. After my first automation test passed, I just kept exploring different ways of automating and testing.

The Green Report initially started as a hobby project since I wanted to refresh my memory with JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Node. But, after building the foundations of the site, I realized that this could be a good platform for knowledge sharing. So I decided to make it publicly available with collaboration options. Let's create something great together!

How to get in touch?

In case you have some questions related to the blog posts or you would like to do a collaboration, please visit the Contact page and fill in the form.

Stay updated?

If you want to stay updated with the latest content published on the blog, make sure to subscribe to the newsletter. New content is posted every week!