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Advanced Error Handling

Sep 1st 2024 10 min read

In software testing, clear and concise error messages are crucial for efficient debugging. This post explores advanced error-handling techniques that go beyond default stack traces, helping us create more informative and actionable error messages in our automation tests.

The Problem with Default Error Messages

Default error messages and stack traces often present challenges in debugging automation tests. While they provide detailed information, they can be overwhelming, especially when the error trace is long and filled with low-level details that may not be immediately relevant. These verbose stack traces can obscure the root cause of the issue, forcing developers to sift through lines of code to pinpoint where the error originated.

Moreover, default error messages are often generic and lack context, making them uninformative. They might indicate that something went wrong, but without specific details or a clear path to resolution, debugging becomes a time-consuming process. This lack of clarity can lead to frustration, slow the development cycle, and increase the risk of overlooking critical issues.

In contrast, well-crafted error messages that are concise and context-aware can significantly improve the efficiency of the debugging process. By focusing on what truly matters—such as the specific point of failure, relevant variable states, or meaningful descriptions—developers can quickly identify and resolve issues. This is why advanced error handling is crucial: it transforms overwhelming and uninformative error outputs into actionable insights, making debugging faster and more effective.

Custom Error Classes

Custom error classes offer a powerful way to improve error handling by allowing us to create specific types of errors tailored to our application's needs. Unlike default error messages, which are often generic and lack context, custom error classes enable us to categorize errors more precisely and provide more informative messages that are relevant to the issue at hand.

In JavaScript, creating a custom error class is straightforward. We start by extending the built-in Error class, allowing our custom class to inherit all the properties and behaviors of a standard error while adding our own custom logic. Here's a simple example:

class ValidationError extends Error {
  constructor(message, field) {
      this.name = "ValidationError";
      this.field = field;
class DatabaseError extends Error {
  constructor(message, query) {
      this.name = "DatabaseError";
      this.query = query;
// Usage example
try {
  throw new ValidationError("Invalid input", "email");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof ValidationError) {
      console.error(`Error: ${error.message} in field: ${error.field}`);

In this example, ValidationError and DatabaseError are custom error classes designed to handle specific error scenarios. By passing additional context (like the field or query), these classes make the error messages more informative, enabling quicker diagnosis and resolution.

Benefits of Custom Error Classes:

In summary, custom error classes offer a robust way to handle errors more effectively in automation tests. By categorizing errors more precisely and providing clearer, context-rich messages, we gain greater control over our application's error-handling logic, leading to more efficient debugging and higher-quality code.

Error Handling Middleware

Error handling middleware is a powerful concept borrowed from web development that can be applied to automation testing frameworks like Jest. In the context of test automation, middleware acts as a layer that intercepts and formats errors before they reach the terminal, providing more concise and helpful error messages.

Jest, a popular testing framework for JavaScript, allows us to set up such middleware to handle errors globally and format them in a way that makes debugging easier. Let's see how we can achieve this.

To handle errors gracefully in Jest, we can use the setupFilesAfterEnv configuration option to define global error-handling functions. These functions can then be used in our test cases to capture, format, and display errors in a more readable format.

First, we create a setup file defining the error handler function:

global.handleTestError = (error) => {
  const formattedError = {
    message: error.message,
    stack: error.stack.split("\n").slice(0, 5).join("\n"), // Trimmed stack trace for clarity
    timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
  console.error("Formatted Test Error:", formattedError); // Log the formatted error

This file sets up a global function, handleTestError, which takes an error object as input, formats it to display only relevant information (such as the message, a trimmed stack trace, and a timestamp), and logs it to the console.

Next, we write a function that contains an intentional error, such as dividing a number by zero.

function divideNumbers(a, b) {
  if (b === 0) {
    throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); // Custom error message
  return a / b;
module.exports = { divideNumbers };

This function will throw an error when attempting to divide by zero.

In the test case, we use a try/catch block to handle the error and call the global handleTestError function.

test("should throw an error when dividing by zero", () => {
  try {
    divideNumbers(10, 0); // This will throw an error
  } catch (error) {
    global.handleTestError(error); // Use the custom error handler from middleware
    expect(() => {
      throw error;
    }).toThrow("Cannot divide by zero"); // Mark test as failed without default Jest stack trace

Instead of re-throwing the error (which would trigger Jest's default error output), we use expect(...).toThrow(...) to indicate that the test should fail.

For this to work, we need to make sure our Jest configuration references setup-jest.js using the setupFilesAfterEnv option:

const config = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./setup-jest.js"],
module.exports = config;

With this setup, when the test encounters an error (like dividing by zero), the custom error handler will format the error output to show only the most relevant information:

 Formatted Test Error: {
  message: 'Cannot divide by zero',
  stack: 'Error: Cannot divide by zero\n' +
   ' at divideNumbers (your_path\\divideNumbers.js:3:11)\n' +
   ' at Object.divideNumbers (your_path\\middleware.test.js:5:5)\n' +
   ' at Promise.then.completed(your_path\\utils.js:298:28)\n'+
   ' at new Promise (<anonymous>)',
  timestamp: '2024-08-29T23:09:11.437Z'

This provides a concise and clear error message, making debugging more efficient by eliminating unnecessary details.

Benefits of Error Handling Middleware in Automation Frameworks:

Using error-handling middleware in automation frameworks like Jest is an effective way to manage test failures and streamline the debugging process. It enhances error visibility and provides us with the tools needed to handle errors more efficiently.

Enhanced Logging with Libraries

Handling errors effectively in automation testing is crucial, but even with custom error handlers, managing and reviewing error logs can become cumbersome, especially in larger projects. This is where logging libraries like Winston or Bunyan come in. These libraries offer advanced features for error logging, including customizable log levels, formatted outputs, and the ability to route logs to different destinations (e.g., files, databases, or external monitoring services).

Winston and Bunyan are popular logging libraries that provide more sophisticated logging mechanisms than console logging. They allow us to define log levels (like info, warn, and error), customize log formats, and even send logs to multiple outputs simultaneously. This enhanced control over log output is particularly useful in complex testing environments where organized and readable logs are essential.

Here's an example of how to set up Winston to log errors in a Jest testing environment. This setup will allow us to format errors, control log levels, and store logs in files for later analysis.

First, we install Winston in our project:

npm install winston

Then, we create a logger configuration file defining how errors should be logged. This configuration will be used throughout our testing environment.

const { createLogger, format, transports } = require("winston");

// Create a logger with custom settings
const logger = createLogger({
  level: "error", // Only log messages with 'error' level or higher
  format: format.combine(
    format.timestamp(), // Add a timestamp to each log
    format.printf(({ timestamp, level, message, stack }) => {
      // Custom formatting of the log message
      return `${timestamp} [${level.toUpperCase()}]: ${message} ${stack || ""}`;
  transports: [
    new transports.Console(), // Log to the console
    new transports.File({ filename: "error.log" }), // Save logs to a file
module.exports = logger;

This setup configures Winston to log error messages both to the console and to a file called error.log, providing a consistent and readable format.

Now, we need to update our Jest setup to use the custom logger for error handling. Instead of just formatting the error with a simple console.error, the logger will handle error reporting with structured logs.

const logger = require("./logger");

global.handleTestError = (error) => {
    logger.error(error.message, { stack: error.stack }); // Log the error with Winston

The last step is to use the custom error handler in our test cases as before. The difference is that errors will now be logged with Winston's enhanced formatting and stored in the specified log file.

const { divideNumbers } = require("../divideNumbers");

test("should throw an error when dividing by zero", () => {
  try {
    divideNumbers(10, 0); // This will throw an error
  } catch (error) {
    global.handleTestError(error); // Use the Winston logger to handle the error
    expect(() => {
      throw error;
    }).toThrow("Cannot divide by zero"); // Mark test as failed without default Jest stack trace

Once we execute our tests, we can check the output in the console and the error.log file. We'll see a formatted, timestamped log that provides a clear view of what went wrong:

2024-09-01T19:18:38.698Z [ERROR]: Cannot divide by zero Error: Cannot divide by zero
 at divideNumbers (your_path\divideNumbers.js:3:11)
 at Object.divideNumbers (your_path\library.test.js:5:5)
 at Promise.then.completed (your_path\utils.js:298:28)
 at new Promise (<anonymous>)

Advantages of Using Logging Libraries in Larger Projects:

By integrating logging libraries like Winston or Bunyan into our automation framework, we gain better control over error handling and logging, ultimately leading to a more robust and maintainable testing process. These tools are invaluable in larger projects, where the sheer volume of logs can become overwhelming.


Advanced error-handling techniques can significantly improve the debugging process in automation testing. By moving beyond default error messages and incorporating strategies like custom error classes, error-handling middleware, and enhanced logging with libraries such as Winston or Bunyan, we can create clearer, more informative, and actionable error outputs. These methods not only streamline error resolution but also empower developers to identify the root cause of issues quickly, enhancing the overall quality and maintainability of the code. In larger projects, these practices are invaluable, as they reduce downtime, improve productivity, and lead to more reliable software.

All code examples mentioned in this post are available on our GitHub page.